How to connect DXSpider to RBN
Configuring your DXSpider node receive skimmer spots from the RBN (Reverse Beacon Network) is very straight forward, here is bare bones howto:
Create two RBN users:
set/rbn sk0mmr sk1mmr
Create two connect scripts:
which contains:
connect telnet 7000 'call:' 'sk0mmr'
which contains:
connect telnet 7001 'call:' 'sk1mmr'
Then in your crontab file:
Add these two lines:
* * * * * start_connect('sk0mmr') unless connected('sk0mmr') * * * * * start_connect('sk1mmr') unless connected('sk1mmr')
You can also startup the connections manually in the normal way:
connect sk0mmr connect sk1mmr
and of course drop the connections:
disconnect sk0mmr disconnect sk1mmr
Although bear in mind if you added the crontab entries, disconnecting them will only work until the crontab fire the next connect command, so you would need to remove or comment out the two lines in the crontab file to permanently disconnect.
More details can be found on the [[RBN.mojo] RBN Mojo] page.