Authors and Contributors
DXSpider was written from scratch and almost entirely by Dirk Koopman, G1TLH.
The documentation was written, amended and appended to by G1TLH, G0VGS, G0RDI, N7XY, K1XX, EI6IZ and EA3CV.
This wiki, based on the documentation distributed with DXSpider, was created originally by G0VGS. Since February 2025 it is now hosted by and largely maintained by G1FEF.
The filtering primer was written by WB3G and N3RD
If you would like to help update and improve this DXSpider wiki project, please email [dxc at] and an account will be created for you. If you have never edited pages using MediaWiki before, don't worry, it really is quite simple. Either ask or take a look at the editing help page for help with editing pages/articles.