Reject filters

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Reject filters

A reject filter line means that if a spot matches, send it to the trash, dump it, do not send it down the line to the next rule or to the user, but pass-on all other spots that do not match.

Syntax: reject/spots [0-9]  <pattern>

Any of the following patterns may be used in this line ...

freq <range>
on <range>
info <string>
call <prefixes>
call_dxcc <numbers>
call_itu <numbers>
call_zone <numbers>
call_state <state 2-letter abbreviations>
by <prefixes>
by_dxcc <numbers>
by_itu <numbers>
by_zone <numbers>
by_state <state 2-letter abbreviations>
origin <prefixes> Used primarily be SYSOPS,  not by users and not discussed.
channel <prefixes> Used primarily be SYSOPS,  not by users and not discussed.

Filters to reject spots based on frequency

Syntax: reject/spot [0-9] freq <range>


reject/spot [0-9] on <range>

Important: both freq and on are exactly the same and can be used interchangeably - most people use on (less typing.)

For range, you can specify a frequency like 7040, a range of frequencies like 0/30000 ( the whole HF band) or use any of the "band" or "region" names defined in the show/bands command.

Bands Available

73kHz:          71 -> 75
136kHz:         135 -> 138
160m:           1800 -> 2000
80m:            3500 -> 4000
60m:            5258 -> 5407
40m:            7000 -> 7400
30m:            10100 -> 10150
20m:            14000 -> 14350
17m:            18068 -> 18168
15m:            21000 -> 21450
12m:            24890 -> 24990
10m:            28000 -> 29700
military:       29700 -> 50000, 230000 -> 420000
band1:          47000 -> 49999, 52000 -> 68000
6m:             50000 -> 52000
pmrlow:         68000 -> 87500
4m:             70000 -> 70500
band2:          87500 -> 108000
aircraft:       108000 -> 137500
pmrmid:         138000 -> 165000
2m:             144000 -> 148000
pmrhigh:        165000 => 174000
band3:          176000 => 230000
220:            220000 => 222000
pmruhf:         425000 => 430000, 440000 => 471000
70cm:           430000 => 450000
band4:          471000 => 550000
band5:          550000 => 868000
23cm:           1240000 => 1325000
13cm:           2310000 => 2450000
9cm:            3400000 => 3475000
6cm:            5650000 => 5850000
3cm:            10000000 => 10500000
12mm:           24000000 => 24250000
6mm:            47000000 => 47200000

Regions Available

all:            73khz 136khz 160m 80m 60m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m 6m 4m
                2m 220 70cm 23cm 9cm 6cm 3cm 12mm 6mm
vhfradio:       band1 band2
vhf:            6m 4m 2m 220
contesthf:      160m 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m
warc:           60m 30m 17m 12m
pmr:            pmrlow pmrmid pmrhigh pmruhf
spe:            10m 6m 4m 2m
shf:            23cm 13cm 9cm 6cm 3cm
vlf:            73khz 136khz
uhftv:          band4 band5
hf:             160m 80m 60m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
vhftv:          band1 band3
uhf:            70cm 23cm


The following line will reject spots on 7,040 kHz and pass all others.

reject/spot 0 freq 7040

The next line will reject spots from 0 to 30,000 kHz and pass on all others.

reject/spot 1 on 0/30000

This next will trash all spots in the frequency range 144000 -> 148000 kHz and pass on all others.

reject/spot 2 freq 2m

This rule will reject all spots on 6m, 4m, 2m, and 220 and pass on all others.

reject/spot 3 on vhf

This rule will dump all spots on the 160m, 80m, 60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m bands and all spots on 70cm and 23cm bands passing all other spots.

reject/spot 4 freq hf and freq uhf

This is a special spot to be used only by members of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club during contest weekends. Hi!

reject/spot on all

Sub-bands as part of range

In conjunction with range, you can use the following sub-band names,

cw, rtty, data, ssb, and sstv

by using a forward-slash [(band or region)/sub-band] as part of the range definition. For example ...

This rule will reject all HF phone spots passing on all others

reject/spot 0 freq hf/ssb

This filter rule will reject all HF CW spots but will not reject DATA and RTTY spots in the CW range and will pass on all other spots.

reject/spot 1 on hf/cw and not (on hf/data or on hf/rtty)

Filters to reject spots based on the "info" data in the spot

Syntax: reject/spot [0-9] info <string>

This filter is used to key on information contained in the information section of the spot. One could use this to reject any spots containing IOTA, QSL OP or any other "key-word" used in the information string of the spot.

Examples ...

This filter will reject spots containing IOTA information and pass on all others

reject/spot 0 info IOTA

This filter will reject all general CW spots on HF, but will still permit any HF CW spots that contain iota information in addition to passing all others.

reject/spot 1 on hf/cw and not info iota

This next filter will reject spots asking or containing QSL information and pass on all others

reject/spot 2 info QSL

Note: The following series of filters are based on call and by. Call always references the callsign of the spotted DX station. By always references the callsign of the spotting station.

Filters to reject spots based on call

Syntax: reject/spot [0-9] call <prefixes>

This filter is misleading in a way. It is strictly based on the spotted call sign letters or numbers entered and not based on countries or DXCC entities. One could filter on JIMSAM62 if desired.

Examples ...

This filter will reject spots for G1AAA, GJ2BBB, and GW3CCC and will pass on spots for M0AAA.

reject/spot 0 call G

This next filter will reject spots for PA3AAA and pass on spots for PB4BBB

reject/spot 1 call PA

This filter will reject spots for K1AA, KC4AAA, and KH6DDD and pass on spots for W3BG and N3RD

reject/spot 2 call K

Filters to reject spots based on call_dxcc

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] call_dxcc <numbers or prefixes>

This filter is based on DXCC entities and uses either the country prefix or the DXCC entity number, found by using the command...


As in ...

show/prefix w
W DXCC: 226 ITU: 7 CQ: 4 LL: 43 0 N 87 54 W (W, United-States-W)
show/prefix VE
VE DXCC: 197 ITU: 9 CQ: 5 LL: 45 18 N 66 6 W (VE, New-Brunswick-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 9 CQ: 5 LL: 48 30 N 56 0 W (VE, Newfoundland-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 9 CQ: 5 LL: 44 36 N 63 36 W (VE, Nova-Scotia-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 4 CQ: 5 LL: 45 30 N 73 36 W (VE, Quebec-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 4 CQ: 4 LL: 43 42 N 79 24 W (VE, Ontario-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 3 CQ: 4 LL: 49 54 N 97 6 W (VE, Manitoba-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 3 CQ: 4 LL: 50 30 N 104 36 W (VE, Saskatchewan-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 2 CQ: 3 LL: 51 0 N 114 6 W (VE, Alberta-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 2 CQ: 3 LL: 49 18 N 123 6 W (VE, British-Columbia-VE)
DXCC: 197 ITU: 75 CQ: 1 LL: 60 42 N 135 6 W (VE, Yukon-VE)

Example ...

This spot filter will reject all spots for US and Canada stations and pass on all others.

reject/spot 0 call_dxcc 226,197

This spot filter will reject all spots for US and Canada stations and pass on all others including the special event station, W2WTC, who I want to work the next time he is on the air.

reject/spot 1 call_dxcc w,ve not call w2wtc

Filters to reject spots based on call_itu

Similarly, call_itu and call_zone use ITU regions that can also be obtained using the show/prefix <prefix> command (see above.)

Syntax:  accept/spot [0-9] call_itu <numbers>

Example ...

This spot filter will reject all spots for ITU region 7 and pass on all others.

reject/spot 0  call_itu 7

Filters to reject spots based on call_zone

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] call_zone <numbers>

This filter is based on CQ zones and uses the CQ zone number found by using the command �[4mshow/prefix�[24m (see above.)

Example ...

This spot filter will reject all spots for CQ zone 5 and pass on all others.

reject/spot 0 call_zone 5

Filters to reject spots based on call_state

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] call_state <state2-letter abbreviations>

This filter is based on the state of the call spotted, for those callsigns contained in the usdb database. Use the command show/usdb to see an example of a listing in the database, like this ...

show/usdb k3ww
K3WW    -> Perkasie, PA

Example ...

This spot filter will reject all spots for stations in the Mid-Atlantic states and pass on all others.

reject/spot call_state nj,ny,pa,de,md

Filters to reject spots based on by

by filters are similar to and function exactly as call filters except that they act on the spotting station callsign and not the spotted callsign.

So ...

This filter is similar to and functions like the call <prefixes> (See above) except that it rejects spots generated by the spotting callsign and passes all other spots.

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] by <prefixes>

This next filter is based on DXCC entities and uses the DXCC entity number found by using the command show/prefix <prefix> and it rejects spots generated within the spotting DXCC entity and passes all other spots.

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] by_dxcc <numbers>

This next filter is based on ITU regions and uses the ITU region number found by using the command show/prefix (see above), except that it rejects spots generated by a spotting callsign within the ITU region and passes all other spots.

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] by_itu <numbers>

This filter is based on CQ zones and uses the CQ zone number found by using the command show/prefix (see above), except that it rejects spots generated by a spotting callsign within the CQ zone and passes all other spots.

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] by_zone <numbers>

This filter is based on the state of the spotting station found by using the command show/usdb and passes all other spots.

Syntax:  reject/spot [0-9] by_state <state2-letter postal codes