How to connect

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How to connect?

If you are an individual ham wanting to connect to the DX Cluster network to send and receive spots, in its simplest form you just telnet to one of the available nodes on the port it listens on.

You can test this by connecting to the node run by G1FEF the maintainer of this Wiki:

telnet 7300

This is a DX Cluster node running the latest version of DX Spider and it listens on port 7300. After you connect to the node it will ask you to login, just enter your call sign then press ENTER. The node will then introduce itself and spots will start to appear.

This node is also connected to the RBN (Reverse Beacon network), to activate this feed type in:


Your screen will soon fill up with lots of automatically generated spots as heard on the RBN network.

To stop the deluge type in:


If you want to send spots most sysops (G1FEF included) will ask you to register with them first. You can do this by sending the sysop a private message or email.